Shamanic Principles
Shamanic Principles Below is a quote from my first book, "Wealth Shaman" "Shamanic Principles 1) Everything in the Universe wants to...

Creating Your Perfect Life
The Secret to a Perfect Life... I'm sure you are familiar with "The Secret" which states that whatever you focus your attention on is...

Regaining Our Shamanic Power
Regaining Our Power To Manifest... Today, I want to examine how to regain our Power to create our lives and keep physically healthy. In...

The Role of Positive Thinking in Healing
The Role of Positive Thinking in Healing... Anyone who is involved in healing themselves from a health challenge has probably been told...

Self Directed Anger and Disease
The Anger/Shame Connection to disease The Shame-Denial process from early childhood As an infant grows, he/she must bond with parents in...

Healing Cancer
You can heal yourself of cancer... In healing, the job of the shaman is to help the individual become conscious of their unconscious...

Unifying The Three Selves
The Three Selves working in unison... In previous posts, we have been discussing the shamanic belief that human beings are made up of...

The Middle Self and the Soul
The Middle Self and the Soul... The Middle Self is located in the heart center. It is what we would call the Soul. The word "Soul" comes...

The Upper Self
The Upper Self As you may have read in previous posts, according to Thunder Shamanism, Human beings are bade up of three separate...

Manifestation and the Lower Self
Manifestation and the Lower Self... The art of manifestation has become very popular in the past decade. Movies like "The Secret" reveal...