Thunder​ Shamanism
Michael William Denney

A Modern Path of Spirit Power
Check out our YouTube Channel HERE
By Michael William Denney
Thunder Shamanism is a modern, universal, practical path of Earth Wisdom and Spirit Power derived from multiple indigenous spiritual practices from all over the world that retain an Unbroken Connection into Prehistory...
The Modern world is desperately hungry for the Old Wisdom of Mother Earth that our ancestors understood.
Listen to the Power of the Ancient Ones, Listen to the Power of Thunder...
I invite you to join us in this healing quest to restore the wisdom of the Ancients in our everyday lives so that we can bring healing, unity and health to this beautiful planet we lovingly call Mother Earth...
NEW! Thunder Qigong Instructional DVD...For more info (or to order), click HERE
NEW! Medicine Wheel Qigong Instructional DVD...For more info (or to order), click HERE

Thunder Shamanism Training:
Shamanic Journeying, Trance Drumming, Earth Goddess Shamanic Chant Initiation, Thunder Wheel (Medicine Wheel) Instruction, Qi Energy Empowerment (Qigong), Five Element Empowerment, Power Chants, Hand Seals,... More
What is MY Mantra?
Learn the ONE Mantra that will activate your specific, individual frequency that your body was attuned to at the moment of your birth. Find your success! Awaken your highest potential. Click HERE

Founder: Michael Denney has been teaching indigenous shamanic disciplines for over 20 years. He is an author with over 10 published books, produced over 20 instructional DVDs and is a world musician with 2 shamanic drum CDs. Thunder Shamanism is the culmination of all his knowledge... More