Thunder​ Shamanism
Michael William Denney
This is a complete list of all of my BOOKS, DVDs and Audio CD's that are currently available. I am always working on new books and videos, so please return to this page on a regular basis to see what new informational products are available...
There are two ways to buy my works.
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2) Click on the Amazon link below or at the bottom of the page and you can search for all of my titles and buy through amazon. Buy using that link to make all of your amazon purchases, your price is the same, but I get a small commission for every purchase you make. Doing so, helps support this work. Thanks for your interest and support.
Qigong (Energy Work)
Celestial Qigong DVDs 1 and 2
www.SpiritTao.com (click on “Spirit Tao DVD” page)
Celestial Qigong is one of my older DVD series and is perhaps the most potent energy work I have ever taught. It is a distillation of some of the most powerful qigong (Energy Work) and nei gong (Internal Work) I have ever experienced. Many people have contacted me who have trained in Taoist Energy Work and Martial for many years and expressed that this DVD is as powerful or more so than any other energy work they have experienced. More than one person has shared their experience of meeting Ascended Masters as a result using these techniques. Please be careful with these techniques as they are extremely potent.
Thunder Qigong DVD
This is a great DVD combining old school martial qigong, mantra and meditation. This practice will fill the body with powerful Life Force Energy and open the meridians. The mantras and meditations are extremely healing and powerful which can connect you with the source of “Thunder Magic”, a great DVD for the Warrior Shaman.
Medicine Wheel Qigong DVDs 1, 2 and 3
This three part qigong series is very pertinent to the work in this book. In this series, I teach powerful standing postures for each of the Nine Worlds. Combining this practice with the principles and techniques in this book will give you even more powerful ways to enhance your journeys into the Nine Worlds. Level 1 teaches the basic postures for each direction, Level 2 teaches how to integrate all 10 postures into a fluid practice and Level 3 teaches some very important info on how to balance the “spiritual” directions to achieve psychological and emotional balance which can later be used in shamanic ritual to achieve balance in the real world.
Shamanism and Energy Work
Thunder Shamanism DVD
This DVD has more information about creating a stone Medicine Wheel altar or “Thunder Wheel” for rituals. This DVD expands on a lot of the information in this book. This DVD also includes magical hand seals or mudras which can energetically be used to empower and channel each of Five Elements and the eight directions.
Anglo-Saxon Shamanism - Spell of the Nine Knots DVD
This DVD reviews info from the Thunder Shamanism DVD and then teaches a very powerful shamanic method of opening the gates to the Nine Worlds by connecting various points on the body with each of the Eight Directions and the Nine Worlds of the Tree of Life. Then, I teach a modern interpretation of an Ancient Anglo-Saxon magical chant known as “ The Spell of the Nine Knots.” This ancient spell was used by pre-Christian Anglo Saxon witches to manifest desires and it is said these witches had the power to control the weather using this spell. This is one of my favorite shamanic techniques to open the powers of the Nine Worlds to manifest desires. The techniques in the DVD are extremely powerful. Continued practice in this technique can eventually make one into a very powerful warrior shaman who can effect change into the real world.
Rune Shamanism - Part 1 - The First Eight
In this first of three part video supplements to the book "Rune Shamanism," practicing Teutonic shaman, author and teacher Michael William Denney closely examines the historical and linguistic mysteries of the Runic alphabet known as the "Elder Futhark." The ancient, pre-Christian alphabet of the tribes of Northern Europe are powerful keys to spiritual awakening. The Runes consist of 3 sets of 8 Runic symbols which represent different spiritual principles. This video focuses on the first eight Runes. "Rune Shamanism Part 1" reveals a powerful method of spiritual transformation available to all modern seekers of ancient shamanic wisdom. Mr. Denney will share practical applications of the Runes for meditation and personal transformation and guide you through a powerful demonstration of how to chant each of the runes. This video should be viewed in conjunction with the book "Rune Shamanism" by Michael William Denney.
Rune Shamanism - Part 2 - The Second Eight
In this second of three part video supplements to the book "Rune Shamanism," practicing Teutonic shaman, author and teacher Michael William Denney closely examines the historical and linguistic mysteries of the Runic alphabet known as the "Elder Futhark." The Second Eight Runes are powerful agents of spiritual cleansing. Just after recording this DVD, the author experienced a powerful cleansing in his personal life. The second eight are crucial for spiritual transformation.
Mr. Denney will share practical applications of the Runes for meditation and personal transformation and guide you through a powerful demonstration of how to chant each of the Runes of the Second Eight. This video should be viewed in conjunction with the book "Rune Shamanism" by Michael William Denney.
Rune Shamanism - Part 3- The Third Eight
In this third video supplement to the book "Rune Shamanism," practicing Teutonic shaman, author and teacher Michael William Denney examines the historical and linguistic mysteries of the Runic alphabet known as the "Elder Futhark." The Third Eight of the Elder Futhark are the Runes of focused spiritual expression. After the expansive 1st eight and the cleansing 2nd eight, the 3rd eight brings the focused brilliant power of the Aesir (celestial gods) into full expression. Mr. Denney will share practical applications of the Runes for meditation and personal transformation and guide you through a powerful demonstration of how to chant each of the runes. At the end of the video, Mr. Denney teaches a secret technique for chanting the Runes on a very deep shamanic level. This video should be viewed in conjunction with the book "Rune Shamanism" by Michael William Denney
Rune Divination - Part 1 - The First Eight
The Runes have been used for centuries as gateways to receive spiritual knowledge from the spirit realm. In this first of three videos concerning Rune Divination, author and practicing Rune Wizard, Michael William Denney examines the nature of Runes for fortune telling. According to Mr. Denney, “The Runes are more than symbols, they are the sacred sound vibrations that create, maintain and destroy manifested reality. There are so many different interpretations for each Rune symbol out there in books and on the internet, it’s almost impossible to get a clear interpretation for each Rune. The key to understanding the interpretation of the Runes is to remember that the Runes are based in proto-Germanic language. If we examine the language, the interpretations are unmistakably clear..” The esoteric symbolic interpretations of each of the Runes of the First Eight are discussed. Mr. Denney shares his interpretations of each symbol based on his extensive experience as a professional Rune Reader. This video teaching is essential for anyone interested in using Runes for divination. (This video should be watched in conjunction with the book "Rune Divination" by Michael William Denney)
Rune Divination - Part 2- The Second Eight
The Runes have been used for centuries as gateways to receive spiritual knowledge from the spirit realm. In this second of three videos concerning Rune Divination, author and practicing Rune Wizard, Michael William Denney examines the nature of Runes for fortune telling and records an actual Rune Divination Session. According to Mr. Denney, "The Runes are more than symbols, they are the sacred sound vibrations that create, maintain and destroy manifested reality. There are so many different interpretations for each Rune symbol out there in books and on the internet, it's almost impossible to get a clear interpretation for each Rune. The key to understanding the interpretation of the Runes is to remember that the Runes are based in proto-Germanic language. If we examine the language, the interpretations are unmistakably clear.." The esoteric symbolic interpretations of each of the Runes of the Second Eight are discussed. Mr. Denney shares his interpretations of each symbol based on his extensive experience as a professional Rune Reader. This video also shows an actual Rune Reading and you can see how Mr. Denney applies some of the Rune interpretations in real time. (This video should be watched in conjunction with the book "Rune Divination" by Michael William Denney)
Rune Divination - Part 3- The Third Eight
The Runes have been used for centuries as gateways to receive spiritual knowledge from the spirit realm. In this third of three videos concerning Rune Divination, author and practicing Rune Wizard, Michael William Denney examines the nature of Runes for fortune telling. In this last segment, Mr. Denney not only goes over the interpretations for the last eight but also explains the occurrence of "transitional" Runes in a reading. He also shares his preferred Rune layout and gives examples. According to Mr. Denney, "The Runes are more than symbols, they are the sacred sound vibrations that create, maintain and destroy manifested reality. There are so many different interpretations for each Rune symbol out there in books and on the internet, it's almost impossible to get a clear interpretation for each Rune. The key to understanding the interpretation of the Runes is to remember that the Runes are based in proto-Germanic language. If we examine the language, the interpretations are unmistakably clear.." Mr. Denney shares his interpretations of each symbol based on his extensive experience as a professional Rune Reader. (This video should be watched in conjunction with the book "Rune Divination" by Michael William Denney)
Advanced Rune Shamanism - Part 1
Advanced Rune Shamanism combines the techniques and concepts of both Rune Shamanism and Rune Divination into a combined synergy. This synergy brings this ancient spiritual science to an even higher level. In this 1 hour 20 minute DVD, Rune Shaman and spiritual teacher, Michael William Denney delves very deeply into the basis for mastery of this very ancient science on an advanced level. In this first of two DVDs, Mr Denney explores in depth the concepts of Shamanism, Animism, and the ancient concept of the Sacred Law of Wyrd which controls the flow of time. He also reveals how to use the "RuneWheel" to connect the Elder Futhark to the eight sided shamanic direction wheel, the three levels of being and the nine worlds of the shamanic tree of Life. (This DVD should be viewed in connection to the book "Advanced Rune Shamanism" as well as the first two books and DVDs in the Rune Shamanism series)
Advanced Rune Shamanism - Part 2
In this Second of three DVDs, Mr Denney explores in depth the concepts of how consciousness manifests in the eight sided Rune Wheel. In This 47 minute DVD, Rune Shaman and spiritual teacher, Michael William Denney concludes the foundation of knowledge and begins to examine how the Rune staves correspond to nine worlds of the tree of Life. (This DVD should be viewed in connection to the book "Advanced Rune Shamanism" as well as the first two books and DVDs in the Rune Shamanism series)
Advanced Rune Shamanism - Part 3
Temporarily Unavailable
In this third of three DVDs, Mr Denney explains the "Counter-Balancing Method" in the eight sided Rune Wheel. This technique is used to counterbalance and harmonize blocked energies in Rune readings. In most readings, when a Rune is reversed, there is no remedy. But in this counterbalancing method discovered by Mr. Denney, Runes on the opposing side of the RuneWheel are used to harmonize blocked energies. In this 178 minute DVD, Rune Shaman and spiritual teacher, Michael William Denney teaches a unique method of Rune Divination and Shamanism never before revealed. (This DVD should be viewed in connection to the book "Advanced Rune Shamanism" as well as the first two books and DVDs in the Rune Shamanism series)
Sanskrit Mantra and Meditation
Chakras - Wheels of Transformation - Part 1 DVD
Chakras - Wheels of Transformation - Part 2 DVD
This is one of my older DVD series I made a few years ago that teaches some great information on the Chakras. It also teaches a powerful yogic breath meditation to open the “nadis” or energy meridians and clean out old stuck energy. This is a staple breath meditation or “pranayama” (Breath/Energy Work) taught to yogis for centuries. In this series, I also teach a powerful mantra for the feminine Power of the Sun called the Gayatri Mantra. This is perhaps the most chanted mantra in the history of the world. It is a very ancient mantra for spiritual evolution used by both hindus and buddhists all over the world. This is the lesser known “long” version of the mantra which opens all of the seven main chakras in the body. This DVD is a must for any serious shaman or yogi.
Ganesha Mantras DVD
The deity known as Lord Ganesha in Vedic/Hindu ritual is always worshipped before any new action or project. Vedic mythology states that even Shiva, the Lord of the gods must worship his son Ganesha before any action. Shiva states that even he cannot accomplish anything without Ganesha’s approval. The root of the name Ganesha (Gam) comes from the same root for the English word “go.” Ganesha is the principle that makes things “go”, that sets them in motion. This DVD teaches various mantras for the power of manifestation otherwise known as “Ganesha.”
The Voluspa DVD Part 1
The Voluspa DVD Part 2
The Voluspa DVD Part 3
The Voluspa (The Prophecy of the Seeress) is one of the most important religious texts of Pre-Christian Norse polytheism. Originally transcribed during the introduction of Christianity to Scandinavia, this sacred poem preserves the original spiritual beliefs of the indigenous polytheist Germanic tribes of northwestern Europe. In this 3-part video teaching series, I examine the underlying spiritual and mystical symbolism contained within the Voluspa. The Voluspa is considered to be a creation myth,and indeed it is, but from a mystical perspective, this is a veiled mystery teaching about the evolution of the Human race from mere animal into divine deity. In this series, you will learn the hidden shamanic understanding of the Aesir (celestial deities), the Vanir (deities of procreation), Dwarves (powers of self-awareness), Elves (ascended masters), Giants (powers of the laws of physics), Thurses (forces of self-sabotage) and the fire demon Surt (the force of entropy). Mr. Denney will also reveal a shocking origin for the god Odin (shamanic awareness) that I guarantee you, will shock you to your core. Most importantly, the Voluspa foretells the inevitable evolution of Human beings from knuckle dragging apes into the highest of celestial deities. Whatever you may think you know about pre-Christian European religion, prepare to have your mind expanded. Whatever your religious background, you deserve to know what our ancestors really believed about the human race and why this secret teaching was suppressed by the Christian church. The gods are you!
(Mantra Yoga and Meditation Instructional DVDs)
Aquarian Mantras (Mantras for a New Age)
Finding Your Life Purpose (Discover Your True Life Path)
The Gayatri Mantra (Divine Spiritual Light/ The oldest and most popular Mantra in history)
Secret Power of Spiritual Sight (Seed Mantra for Inner Knowledge)
Secret Word of Attraction (Seed Mantra For Attraction and Manifestation)
Secret Word of Prosperity (Seed Mantra for Prosperity)
The Shamanic Secret Commandment To a Perfect Life
The Missing Ingredient to "The Secret"
There Is Only One Commandment... In this book, I will share with you the one and only thing you will ever need to accomplish in life. The answer to all of Life’s problems is amazingly simple. Everyone can achieve complete fulfillment and mastery in their lives if they follow this one very simple commandment. The good news is that you have already been pre-wired by the Universe from birth to naturally follow this commandment. So, there is nothing you need to learn. But it is very possible you may have to UN-learn a few things. In this book, I will share the one commandment to a perfect life and I will show why religion, pop psychology and new age teachings like "The Secret" have come close but ultimately fail when put into practice. Life is simple, there is only one commandment. Now, learn how you can follow this simple commandment and have the life of your dreams...
The Shamanic Secret To Healing Cancer
Cancer has become an epidemic. Even though medical science claims every year that they are closing in on a cure, more and more people are dying from this disease. The shamanic perspective is that cancer is a disease of chronic unfulfilled desire. This, short, easy to read book shares a very powerful but simple method to align you with your deepest desires and use shamanic visualization to shift your thinking about your relationship to your body and the Universe. So far, every person, no matter how "incurable" their disease is, who has used this method has experienced a dramatic reversal of their cancer symptoms. Health, happiness and joy is our birthright!
The Thunder Wizard Path
This is one of my first books where I share my shamanic experiences meeting my ancestral teachers who revealed to me some lost knowledge concerning the shamanic beliefs of my ethnic European ancestors. Even though I had been studying, teaching and practicing shamanic practices from Asia, India and Africa, my final initiation into shamanic power came from the spirits of my European ancestors. This book launched me into an amazing journey into very ancient shamanic knowledge spanning to the dawn of modern human beings.
Wealth Shaman
(I believe this was my first book I self published. A great book that explains the shamanic process…)
Are you a spiritually inclined person who is conflicted when it comes to money?
Have you tried to make a living through Spirit Friendly ways, but have gotten nowhere because modern society doesn’t seem to understand what you offer to the world?
There is a way to celebrate your spiritual uniqueness and make a good living. I’m NOT talking about a re-hashed version of “The Secret” or some other New Age gimmick like subliminal CD’s, self hypnosis, life coaching or positive affirmations. I’m talking about ancient shamanic principles of living that can create abundant prosperity and allow you to be spiritually fulfilled expressing your true spiritual gifts.
Awakening Sleipnir
It is imperative that we examine our modern assumptions about how our tribal, pre-Christian European ancestors perceived and interfaced with the Cosmos. "Awakening Sleipnir" explores how we modern "civilized" Westerners can awaken this ancient understanding within ourselves... "I realized that I was furious at my ancestors who abandoned the Old Ways. I was furious that they had discarded MY ancestral animist traditions. What right did they have erasing our indigenous shamanic practices? Those were MY practices too and I wanted the right to make my own choice regarding whether or not I wanted to follow them. I was furious and embarrassed that as a result of their choice hundreds of years ago, I was now forced to go to other cultural traditions and beg to be taught authentic shamanic practices. .... But, little did I know that my ancestors would reach out through time and thrust me into a new spiritual practice, an ANCIENT practice stretching back to the dawn of tribal European society…"
Mounting Sleipnir
"The Germanic names for Indo-European deities seem to reflect an older, more primal version of Indo-European polytheist animism which perhaps reflects the older more “shamanic” version of the original Indo-European religion..." In this book, I examine the underlying polytheist root religion of the Germanic tribes by uncovering and comparing the linguistic connections of the names of deities in both the Vedic and Germanic religions. In this book you will learn the linguistic connections to the deities: Thor/Indra, Buri/Brahma, Freyja/Prajaapati, Ing/Agni, Ymir/Yama, Tyr/Dyeus Pita and more… This book also examines the indigenous Germanic deities: Odin,Villi, Ve, Loki and Surt, You will also learn the pre-Christian understanding of Dwarves, Elves, Wights (Nature Spirits), Norns, Thurses, Giants, Valkyries and the mythical horse, Sleipnir.
Rune Shamanism
Runes have been used for divination and writing in Europe for thousands of years. But where did they come from? Modern academia tells us that the Runic alphabet was adopted 2200 years ago. But could they be older than that?... Perhaps much, MUCH older? In this book, author Michael William Denney closely examines the historical and linguistic mysteries of the Runic alphabet known as the "Elder Futhark." But, this isn't just another re-hashing of the same old academic questions about Rune stave meanings. Mr. Denney reveals a powerful, ancient method of Rune Shamanism, a FORGOTTEN method of Rune galdor that may have been the original method of Rune magic taught in secret from father to son during the ice ages when the early Germanic tribes were differentiating themselves from their other Indo-European cousins. "Rune Shamanism" reveals a powerful method of spiritual transformation available to all modern seekers of ancient shamanic wisdom.
Rune Divination
Runes are more than the pre-Christian alphabet of Northern Europe. They are the sacred sound syllables that connect us to the Celestial Ancestors - the gods. Through the Runes, we can tap into powerful divine forces that can guide us through our journey in life. For hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, the pre-Christian, pre-Roman, Teutonic tribes of Europe used the Runes to receive guidance from the gods and foretell future events. In "Rune Divination" author Michael William Denney re-examines the history of the Runic alphabet and asks, "Are the Runes older than we think?" Mr. Denney exposes some outdated theories on the origins of the Runes. He also exposes some of the inaccuracies of modern Rune divination interpretations by comparing them with the actual meanings of the language of the Runes themselves. The Runic alphabet is more than just a collection of archaic symbols. They are the ancient building blocks of the Germanic languages and windows into the origins of pre-Christian European, Religion, Magic and Shamanism…
Advanced Rune Shamanism
Advanced Rune Shamanism is the third in a series of Rune Shamanism books. This latest in the series is a synergistic method of Rune work which combines external Rune divination with internal Rune shamanism. This book also reveals a previously unknown method of Rune casting combining the shamanic pre-Christian European eight direction ‘medicine’ or sun-wheel, the three levels of existence (Odin, Villi and Ve) and connects them to the nine Worlds of the pre-Christian, tribal European Tree of Life. The second half of the book is dedicated to a simple, yet profound, intuitive technique of shamanic divination and healing with the Runes that employs a ‘counterbalancing’ method of divination that can reverse the energy blockages in ones destiny.
Odin says, “Jesus was a coward!”
During the middle ages, we Westerners abandoned our polytheist, animist heritage for the dualist, separation contained within monotheist Christianity. Doing so separated our hearts from our minds. The traditional spiritual mythology of Europe teaches that when a man dies in battle, he ascends to the “hall of the chosen” (Valhalla) where Odin trains him to fight as a spiritual warrior. To “die in battle” does not mean being killed in acts of physical violence. It means to live fearlessly from the heart without regret. Those who live this way, have no attachments to this earthly life. Since they have no regrets, they have no need to be reborn. They are free to ascend to spiritual heights after death and to help the living in their daily “battle” to be free.
This is the path of the spiritual warrior. He condemns mindless destruction born from fear and cowardice wherever he finds it. He fights for the freedom of the heart and soul. He becomes Odin (He who is consumed with the fire of self-awareness) In "Odin Says," Michael William Denney shares his personal experiences communicating with a being claiming to be the god Odin. The author also explores and discusses the historical authenticity of the Jesus myth as well as the historical origins of modern monotheism and the massive shift in consciousness of the European psyche. According to Denney, "After the fall of Rome, the victorious Germanic invaders of Italy and Spain almost immediately abandoned their native language and religion and replaced it completely with that of Rome. This was a perfect example of the Stockholm Syndrome on a massive cultural scale. In the case of the subsequent European conversion to Christianity, we not only adopted the identity of our Roman conquerors but have overcompensated in ways even the Romans would have been shocked to see. This unconscious shame and self-hatred has then been projected onto all those whom we have conquered." "Odin Says," examines the toxic effects of monotheism on Western culture and the modern world.
Shamanism for “White People”
Shamanism is a transcendent practice of dynamic spiritual balance. The shaman is an animist priest/priestess that acts as an intermediary between the spiritual and physical realms. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice on Earth. Every culture and ethnicity in the world can trace their origins to some form of animism (shamanism). Shamanism has become increasingly popular in recent decades. But there is a great deal of controversy over the increasing trend of people of European descent practicing shamanism. Many Native spiritual practitioners have accused "white" people of stealing their cultural and spiritual practices. New age charlatans and "plastic shamans" have muddied the waters making it difficult to know what is an authentic shamanic practice for the sincere "white seeker. So, can "white people" become shamans? What if we don't relate to Western materialism and organized religion? The European people practiced animism for over 50,000 years. If you are of European descent, then shamanism is in your blood, in your veins, in your DNA. In "Shamanism for 'White' People," author Michael William Denney explores the current controversies regarding neo-shamanism. In this book, you will learn about the ancient and profound animist (shamanic) practices of pre-Christian European tribes. Mr. Denney exposes the myths on both sides of this controversy. If you are a "white" person, animism (shamanism) is your spiritual birthright.
(To hear a sample or purchase, click on links)
Healing Drums of Power
Healing Mantras
Ancient Earth Mantra (HUUL Breath)