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The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch...

The one way to touch your man which will turn him into putty in your hands...

The male brain is wired for battle. This is how men "attack" their day. One million years of evolution has wired men to be hunters. When they are at work, they are in battle mode. When they come home, they want to drop their shield and spears and relax. But sometimes, their brains can stay in battle mode, especially if their women have "to do lists" that they want to discuss with their man as soon as he walks in the door.

When you find your man is having difficulty dropping his armor and being vulnerable with you, there is one thing you can do that is virtually guaranteed to turn him from a snarling lion into a purring kitten... Rub his back...

For me, this move is always on top of my list of things I look for in a woman. The fastest way to make me relax and drop my armor is when my woman gently caresses my back and shoulders. If she's willing to spend 5 minutes caressing my back, I am totally hers. Afterwards, I will do just about anything she wants from me.

So, next time, you have dishes to wash or tax stuff to go over with your man. Don't just unload a huge to-do list on him the second he walks in the door. Let him decompress and then offer to rub his back. In a few minutes, you can ask him to do just about anything....

Btw, this also works on "little men" too. Just because your men are little ones does not change the biological fact that their brains are wired for battle also... If you have sons, and you want them to do homework or chores, try caressing their backs for a couple of minutes before asking them to do more work. You'll be surprised how much your men of all ages will want to be near you....

for more info on how to get more cooperation from the men in your life, click HERE

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