Practicing Shaman, Intuitive Relationship Consultant, Author, Teacher, Vedic Astrologer, Qigong Instructor

Women have always sought me out as a teacher. I do get a few male students, but the majority of people who seek my instruction and counseling have always been women. For years, this was a little curious to me. But, in recent years, I learned through my study of Vedic Astrology that it is my Karmic destiny in this lifetime to be a source of healing and empowerment to women.
When I speak with my female clients, I often feel an overwhelming tenderness expand from my heart chakra that I can feel comes directly from the Goddess herself. While in session, I will allow this nurturing wisdom to guide me in helping to touch each woman in the way she needs most.
As a shaman who worships Power and Mother Earth, it brings me extreme bliss to feel another woman grow into her own sense of Power and Healing. When a woman seeks me out as a counselor or teacher, I feel such a sense of honor and privilege to once again worship the goddess through one of her human emanations.
This is what I humbly offer to you... I have numerous tools and methods of helping you achieve your highest destiny as a vessel of the Divine Mother:
Relationship Counseling
Removing Karmic and Psychological Blockages
Vedic Astrological Readings
Intuitive Readings
Initiation Into Goddess Worship
Shamanic Instruction

My most popular counseling service is one-on-one counseling either by phone or in person regarding relationships. Women want to know:
What is my man really thinking? What are his intentions? Does he love me? Is he faithful? Is he the right man for me?
To answer these questions, I will employ Intuitive, shamanic methods to tap into your man's thoughts and feelings. I can also look at the energies surrounding the two of you to determine karmic patterns that may be inhibiting your relationship. Lastly, we can determine if this relationship is right for you. If you are determined to do whatever is necessary to connect with your man and make your relationship work, I can teach you powerful shamanic methods to energetically attract with your man and improve your connection.
If you are currently in a relationship but you want to better understand your man, I can help you interpret his actions and words. Often times men are crying out for deeper love and affection from their wives and girlfriends but they don't know how to ask for it. They may feel weak or unmanly and can often pull away and hide. When you try to reach out to him, he may act hostile or simply be unresponsive. Perhaps you have interpreted this to mean he no longer loves you or has another woman on the side. This scenario is very common and often times can mean the impending destruction of the relationship. But this tragedy can be avoided and even transformed IF you can learn to understand your man and communicate to him in the way he needs. Being a man who has gone through this scenario a few times myself, I can tell you exactly what he needs and how he needs it from you.
I'm also very good at helping moms understand how their boys think and what they, as males, need from their mother. If you want a closer relationship with your 'little men', give me a call. I can help you.

1 hour phone consultation $189.00 Click "Buy Now"
“Michael really understands how women feel and he knows how men think. This combination makes him the perfect counselor for any woman who wants to understand how to connect with her man. "Shaman Mike" (as I like to call him), has not only given me unsurpassed insight into the male mind in relationships, it is also helping me understand and communicate with my twin 10 year old boys!
- Lisa G
Manhattan Beach, CA