Rub My Belly
"Men are like dogs." That's what women say. I’m not sure why that is a bad thing. Everyone loves dogs. Dogs are loyal, loving, affectionate, fun-loving, dedicated, obedient, hard-working, playful, protective, predictable... Isn’t that what every woman in her dating profile says she is looking for in a man? Well, dogs are pretty simple creatures and very easy to please... One thing that all puppy dogs like is to have their bellies rubbed. It makes them feel happy and loved.
More importantly, puppies let you rub their bellies as a sign of submission. If you want more control over your man, you need to rub his belly often. Have you ever noticed that during pillow talk after intimate connection, your man is MUCH more open to your suggestions? That's because after lovemaking, the hormones in our brain make us much more submissive to your feminine charms.
One HUGE mistake that a woman can make is to use sex a means of control. Some women mistakenly think that by limiting sex, they can better control their man. That might be true for some men for a short while, but please take my word for it as someone who has been on the other end of this tactic, eventually he will get so frustrated that he will leave.
But, if you give your man regular "belly rubs" and keep him happy, you will have much more success in getting him to understand your perspective. The right woman can get her man to do pretty much anything she wants if he's a happy pup!
To learn more about how to keep your man more agreeable click HERE