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Why Doesn't He Respond to my Texts?

"He never responds to my texts. What should I do?" I hear this question very often when working with my female clients... First thing you need to know is that for us guys, texting does not have the same meaning for us as it does for you ladies. For ladies, generally speaking, when you send your man a text, you automatically assume that he knows you want him to respond. Right? Wrong... Unless there is a question we need to respond to, we just read and enjoy the text and move on. If you want us to respond, you have to ask a question that necessitates a response. Otherwise we just think you are being like a guy and giving us information...

For example, one of my female phone clients was complaining of this issue and I asked her what she texted him. She said, I texted him that there were weather advisories that night and he should drive carefully." "That's it?" I asked. "Yes." She said, "He didn't even have the courtesy to respond. Why is he so rude? Should I just give up on him and break up?"

I had to explain to her that if she wants to have a text conversation, she needs to ask a question instead of just giving out information...

To learn more about how the male brain works, get the book, "How To Keep A Man"

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