Is he thinking about me?

In my daily relationship counseling, women ask me every day... "Does he think about me?" Once again, women sometimes project how they interact in relationships onto men. Expecting a man to act and think like you is understandable. But you have to remember that our brains are VERY different from yours. So, the answer is "Yes and No." Yes he thinks about you, but not necessarily in the same way you think about him. What is most important to know about men is they show you they care through their actions. The truth is Mother Nature has wired men to think like warriors so they think about their job, their career, etc,. We don't want to have to think about our relationship. We go out into the world and fight our battles (work) and then we want to come home to our peaceful safe zone (which includes our beautiful wives and girlfriends.) That doesn't mean we don't think about you. We do. But we are wired to solve our work problems so we don't have to think about them once we come home to the safety of our loved ones. Once we know what we are supposed to DO to keep our relationships happy, then we take action to achieve that. That's why it's OK to wonder if your man is thinking about you, but also watch what he DOES. That's how you know that you are important to him. For more info, get the book "How To Keep a Man"