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Distance Energy Cleansing
Empowerment and Healing
Taoist Thunder Magic - Energy Cleansing
Protection - Healing - Exorcism

Michael Denney
Master Shaman

Thunder Magic Distance Energy Cleansing, Healing and Empowerment Service is a one hour focused energy empowerment that sends a very powerful, concentrated spiritual energy to your body and psyche. The energy you will receive is a very high vibration of energy that is used to purify, cleanse and empower. This energy comes from a very esoteric Taoist practice from the Shang Ch'ing sect of Taoist demon fighting wizards of southern China. During the one hour distance session, I will send you a protective energy to cleanse your aura and your home environment. Then I will send energy to purify the Five Elements Wood (Ether), Metal (Wind), Fire, Water and Earth. This will purify the Liver, Lungs, Heart, Kidneys and Stomach releasing Anger, Sadness, Impatience, Fear and Confusion. Then, I will ground these energies in your body and do a final scan of your aura and release any lingering issues I see in you. The effects of this cleansing may be very powerful and instantaneous and it also may be a continuous cleansing that lasts for weeks or even longer. What you will notice is a release of negative emotions, and a feeling of lightness and power. Negative people and influences may suddenly leave you. You may experience emotional cleansing as well which may be pleasant or challenging. The key is to surrender and allow the changes to occur. If you have a spiritual or meditative practice, this will help the cleansing and transitions occur. Once you purchase the distance empowerment, I will send you a private video link to instruct you how to prepare for the cleansing and how you can interact with my energy if you wish. It is not necessary to interact, you can also buy this empowerment for others even without their knowledge. Thank you for taking action to empower yourself and by extension, the whole Universe. Blessings,
Michael Denney
Master Shaman
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